Pneumatic Actuators : Ope.

Double Acting Actuator
Double acting are rotated by supplying air to the related port until it reaches desired position.
Counterclockwise rotation (CCWR)
Air to port B forces the pistons inwards, causing the pinion to rotate clockwise while the air is exhausted from port A.
Air to port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the pinion to rotate countercockwise while the air is exhausted from port B.
Clockwise rotation (CWR)
Air to port B forces the pistons inwards, causing the pinion to rotate counterclockwise while the air is exhausted from port A.
Air to port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the pinion to rotate clockwise while the air is exhausted form port B.
Double acting actuators torque values (Nm)
  Air supply pressure (PSI)
Model 30 40 45 60 65 70 80 90 100 116
90DA032 9 18 27 35 44 53 62 80 97 115
90DA040 53 71 89 115 124 142 159 177 195 230
90DA052 71 89 106 142 159 177 195 248 266 301
90DA063 133 168 195 266 292 327 354 389 460 513
90DA075 177 230 266 354 398 443 487 531 620 708
90DA083 292 354 425 558 628 699 761 832 974 1106
90DA092 398 504 602 797 903 1000 1097 1204 1398 1611
90DA0105 584 735 885 1168 1319 1469 1611 1770 2053 2345
90DA0125 894 1115 1336 1788 2000 2230 2443 2664 3115 3558
90DA0140 1513 1894 2275 3027 3408 3788 4169 4540 5302 6054
90DA0160 2354 2947 3531 4709 5310 5886 6479 7063 8249 9417
90DA0190 3770 4709 5656 7541 8479 9417 10355 11302 13188 15064
90DA0210 4709 5886 7063 9417 10603 11771 12949 14126 16480 18834
90DA0240 6815 8514 10223 13630 15329 17029 18737 20436 23835 27243
90DA0270 10347 12940 15533 20711 23295 25888 28473 31066 36244 41421
DISCLAIMER : By industry standard, a safety factor of 30% should be considered when sizing actuators with a valve
Spring return Actuators
Spring return pneumatic actuators are rotated on one side by compressed air pressure while the springs are loaded. Rotation to the other side is generated by the spring torque.
Counterclockwise Rotation (CCWR)
Loss of air at port A, frees the energy stored in the springs which forces the pistons inwards and rotates the pinion clockwise.
Applying air to port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the pinion to rotate counterclockwise while the springs are compressed.
Clockwise Rotation (CWR)
Loss of air port A, frees the energy stored in the springs which forces the pistons inwards and rotates the pinion counterclockwise.
Applying air to port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the pinion to rotate clockwise while the springs are compressed.
Positioning of springs for spring return actuator